Cloverleaf Continuing Education offers affordable and engaging training opportunities.
Please contact us at admin@cloverleafcounselingservices or
We have existing training, workshops, or educational material in the following areas:
Infant Mental Health/Early Childhood Mental Health:
Introduction to Infant Mental Health (6-hour CE)
Risk and Resilience/Biologic and Psychosocial Stressors (6-hour CE)
Evidence-Based Practices in Infant Mental Health (6-hour CE)
The Impact of Attachment Disruption on Brain and Behavior (6-hour CE)
Infant Mental Health in a Telehealth World (2-hour CE)
Early Childhood Trauma and Recovery: Early Childhood Educators and Home Visitors (6-hour)
Play Therapy:
Playfully Building Connections (6-hour CE)
Playfully Enhancing Resilience (6-hour CE)
Play is Serious Business (4-hour CE)
Play Therapy in a Telehealth World (2-hour CE)
Reflective Practice/Supervision:
Reflective Practice Facilitation (12-14 hour CE)
Reflective Supervision (6-hour CE)
Integrative Mental Health Practices:
Mindful Movement (3-hour CE)
Playful Movement (3-hour CE)
Integrating Movement and Mindfulness in Therapy (3-hour CE)
Follow Meraki-Minded Professional Development on Facebook @merakimindedpd
Meraki-Minded Professional Development is a CAMFT Approved Continuing Education Provider #76629