Looking Ahead: IPMH Webinars in January 2021!

I am always so grateful for the folks who attend Meraki-Minded webinars. As I look back on 2020, there have been many challenges, but I have been beyond amazed by the commitment and tenacity of the mental health professionals, early childhood educators, and other pediatric specialists I’ve met this year.

Thank you all for what you do and for who you are.

Meraki-Minded Professional Development is facilitating two webinars in January. This is the start of the 2021 IPMH Training Series. These classes can be taken individually or part of the IPMH Series (26 total training hours). This is a great way to start your journey into the world of IPMH.

As a thank you to anyone reading this post, I offer you 50% ($20) off the first webinar (see below). Hope to see you there!

January 14, 2021:

Support Early Relationships: Attachment, Connections, and Caregiving (Discount Code: HalfOff40)

This course will explore family systems and dynamics, including cultural considerations during pregnancy and childbirth, and of parenting and childrearing. This course will also offer guidance on implementing family and attachment sensitive services and supports in IPMH practice. Additionally, the role of the professional in partnering and supporting families during the prenatal, postnatal, and early childhood period to improve mental health outcomes will be explored. 

 Learning Objectives: 

·      List the 4 attachment styles (healthy and unhealthy)

·      Identify 2 factors common in health parent-child attachment

·      Identify at least 1 intervention to support a healthy parent-child dyad.

·      Identify 2 ways the professional can work toward maintaining cultural humility with families

January 28, 2021:

The Amazing Infant (0-12 months): Developing within the context of relationships

This course will explore milestones of infant emotional, physical and social development. Development within the caregiving relationship and cultural variation of development will be reviewed. Lastly, strategies and approaches to support infant development across domains will be explored.

 Learning Objectives: 

·      List 3 milestones of social development during the 0-12-month period.

·      Identify 2 common factors in parent-child relationships that promote emotional development.

·      Identify at least 1 intervention to support social-emotional development during 0-12 months of age.

Baby and Brain.jpg

January-July, 2021